卫生专业咨询中心 (HPAC)

Do you want to go to become a physician, 医师助理, 物理治疗师, occupational therapist or other health professional? We’re here to make sure you’re ready.

研究生 health professions school admissions are extremely competitive, 但是我们有课程作业, the extracurriculars and the mentoring to ensure you are a successful graduate school applicant.

The Pre-健康 Advising Center will be with you every step of the way from course selection, to summer jobs and internships to the graduate school application process. You will receive regular one-on-one advice and guidance from our director as well as from dedicated faculty mentors, 谁会帮助你:

  • Create and maintain your application timeline
  • Identify the programs that best fit you
  • Enroll in the correct prerequisite courses in a timely manner
  • Discover volunteer, clinical, and research opportunities
  • 参加研讨会
  • Find resources to study for the MCAT, PCAT, GRE and more
  • 面试练习
  • Obtain your composite committee letter and other letters of recommendation
  • Prepare your graduate school applications
  • 还有更多!

The Pre-健康 Advising Center will also be your first stop if you decide to declare an official pre-medical designation.

健康 professions graduate programs accept all undergraduate majors as long as all prerequisite courses have been completed. The 网赌上分平台 offers numerous courses of study to meet your prerequisites.

We offer advising guides for the following fields:

  • 医学(医学博士及民政事务处)
  • 牙科
  • 医师助理研究
  • 药店
  • 兽医
  • 职业治疗
  • 物理治疗
  • 言语及语言病理学


Our students go on to great careers in medicine, 药店, physician assisting and other health professions. Here is a list of selected universities they have attended in the last 10 years.






Concordia University-Wisconsin (Doctor of 药店)
University of California—San Diego (Doctor of 药店)
Temple University (Doctor of 药店)
University of Florida (Doctor of 药店)
University of Connecticut (Doctor of 药店)
St大学. 约瑟夫(CT)(药剂学博士)


Ross University School of 兽医 (Doctor of 兽医)
Iowa State University (Doctor of 兽医)


Columbia University (健康 Education)
Quinnipiac University (Master of Pathology Assisting, Medical Laboratory Sciences)
Rosalind Franklin University of 医学 and Science (Pathology Assisting)

We prepare you for all career possibilities

Photo of Students in 健康 Simulation Lab


网赌上分平台, we take a unique and progressive approach to preparing our students to attend medical school through the pre-medical studies designation. 通过严格的课程学习, 学生将获得技能, 知识, and abilities to create a strong foundation for their progression into medical school.
